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Dr Alex Bandini-Maeder11 June 20241 min read

Reflections on the State of GIS Tasmania Seminar

Last Thursday, I had the privilege of representing Geoneon at the esteemed State of GIS Tasmania seminar held at the RACV in Hobart. The event brought together some of the brightest minds in the geospatial industry, showcasing innovations and discussions that are driving the future of GIS in Tasmania and beyond. 

The seminar kicked off with an insightful welcome and update by Anthony O’Flaherty, shedding light on the latest developments within the Geospatial Council of Australia. Ian McCleod from Virtual TAS then took the stage to discuss advancements in creating spatial intelligence tools in Tasmania, emphasising the significance of a 4D spatial digital twin for enhancing performance across various sectors. 

One of the highlights from the afternoon was Jon Cheong’s talk on Hydro Tasmania’s approach to vegetation management. The detailed discussion on how they use GIS for asset management and environmental assessments was particularly relevant to our work at Geoneon, where we too harness the power of geospatial data to mitigate environmental risks. 

At 16:00, I presented on Geoneon's latest advancements in AI-driven vegetation mapping, where we integrate artificial intelligence, high-resolution satellite imagery, and Lidar calibration. Our focus was on the technical development of our model and its practical applications across urban planning, utilities, emergency management, and conservation. The engagement and feedback from the audience were incredibly affirming, reflecting the industry's recognition of the critical role of precise vegetation data. 

Other notable presentations included Alex Leith’s exploration of cloud native geospatial technologies and Rob Wilson’s innovative image enhancement scripts for QGIS, which offer practical tools for enhancing spatial data visualisation. 

The seminar concluded with insightful discussions on the integration of data analytics with GIS, presented by Anthony O’Flaherty and Michael Giudici’s update on the All Hazards Spatial Infrastructure Project, further highlighting the dynamic intersection of technology, data, and geospatial services. 

Networking with peers and industry leaders over drinks provided a fantastic finale to the day, allowing us to discuss potential collaborations and reflect on the insights shared. 

Events like the State of GIS Tasmania are vital for fostering innovation and collaboration within the geospatial community. At Geoneon, we are excited to contribute to and learn from these discussions, as we continue to push the boundaries of what geospatial data can achieve for environmental resilience and sustainable development. 



Dr Alex Bandini-Maeder

Dr Alex Bandini-Maeder is a Natural Hazard Specialist with a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences and Environment. With a career that includes geoconsulting for over 30 major energy projects, such as subsea cable and offshore wind, Alex has demonstrated an ability to deliver cost-saving, sustainable solutions. His work extends beyond Geoneon, contributing to research in paleogeography, climate, and environmental sciences, aiming to deepen our understanding of Earth's history. A co-founder of Geoneon, Alex collaborates with governments, NGOs, and the private sector to forge resilient strategies against climate change, emphasising climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.